Instant messaging application WhatsApp has made a radical update to its app. WhatsApp new Status feature rolled out to its users on Monday. This Status feature...
There is some good news for Youtube users. Now, that there will be an end to those annoying ads which interrupt you while watching your favorite...
World’s largest search engine company Google had put a step forward by launching its first ever “Voice Activated Shopping.” This is done by its artificial intelligence...
The sturdy and the strongest phone ever made, Nokia 3310 is all ready to make a comeback in 2017 in global markets. Finnish startup HMD Global...
Gone are those days when one used to go to gaming parlors and internet cafes to play online games. Now, these online games are been considered...
On Monday, Google announced it’s new feature “List” added to its Maps. This lets the users create lists of their favorite places and share them with...
By the time you implement your amazing Startup idea, you realize that there already exist a handful of people in the Startup bucket swimming across with...
Trust people for the never ending urge to become better and better in their lives. Their significant growth says it all. All thanks to technology for...
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shows off the prototype gloves for Oculus Rift VR Headset. A day before, Zuckerberg visited the Oculus Research Lab in Redmond, Washington...
Samsung had put an end to a long run rumor about their foldable smartphones. Yes, one of the top mobile companies Samsung is all ready to...