To understand how to check your cash flow and reduce cash burn, you need to understand what cash flow and cash burn means. Cash flow is...
You have the content. You have the website. You also have the images and you have the ideas. However, the website refuses to take off. What...
For every brand to grow, it needs an effective strategy. Brand strategy is essentially a plan which involves long term and short term goals. While you...
The world is all about the ideas being converted into reality. A reality where the tech world is at the top of its game. This week,...
Arguments are never fun. Whether it is with a loved one, a colleague or even someone you do not like, resolving conflicts is not an easy...
We live in a world where safety is constantly looked at and questioned. Even when the world seems to progress towards equality, someone comes and blows...
One of the primary reasons IKEA is so big all over the world is the brilliant marketing strategy created by its zealous advertising team. This brings...
A book always opens up the doors to new possibilities and ideas. You just need to be open to new suggestions. The right books will make...
You have the idea. You had the drive. You have the employees and you have the clients. You started off a couple of years ago and...
Timothy Donald Cook, also known as Tim Cook, is the Chief Executive Officer of Apple. Cook is a well known American business executive and an engineer....