New Year, new resolutions. For working people such as myself, one resolution will always be present at the back of my brain. How can I get...
Brilliant ideas solving everyday problems can make any person very rich very fast. One of the most appealing characteristics of entrepreneurship is the opportunity to become...
Millennials have been focused on creating meaningful, purpose driven workforces in an attempt to make a difference in the world. India is currently ranked as the...
The United States based footwear brand, Skechers, has filed a case against Flipkart and four of its sellers on its platform on account of selling fake products....
It’s Christmas! We, at Startup Stories, would like to wish all you readers a very happy and Merry Christmas. Since Christmas is the time of giving,...
The year 2017 has flown by with amazing speed and is quickly and surely winding down to a close. As we approach the end of the...
The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) stated as of 1 December 2017, a total of 5,350 startups have been recognized under the Startup India...
Bangalore based online classified site, Quikr India Pvt., Ltd., has decided to buy real estate brokerage company, HDFC Realty Ltd., and HDFC Developers Ltd., in an all...
After launching the first data analytics brand, Billion, Flipkart is all set to create an Artificial Intelligence unit called AIForIndia in order to strengthen its business offerings....
In an attempt to expand its fast and quickly growing economy, Alibaba launches its first cloud data center in India. According to reports, this China based...