The road to running and establishing a successful startup is not easy as it is paved with many pitfalls. A lot of work goes into building...
When you have a group of people working on multiple projects for a long period of time, conflicts are inevitable. Even though you screened your team...
No matter how good your business idea is, you cannot succeed alone. You need people all along the way to help you with various aspects of...
Ideas are like magic. Either they work or they just fizzle out and die. The same concept works with startups as well. While some startups with...
The key to a successful business is a wholesome process which not only involves keeping your customers happy, but your team happy as well. When you...
Like everything else in life, leadership styles are learnt and honed through different stages of work. Every leader has developed, through the years, a certain style...
In the very basic sense of the term, crisis management is defined as the process by which a company handles a stressful work situation. In order...
Company culture is important to foster the overall growth of one’s company. Since you spend over half your day at the place you work, it is...
Every job has an expiry date. Whether you want to do something on your own or you get a better job offer, there comes a time...
You grow up thinking you are meant to do certain things, but when you don’t land the job of your dreams, life can be disappointing. Sometimes,...