Women are taking over the world one position at a time and in the last few years, it comes as no surprise that there are more...
Susan Wojcicki, ranking among the top ten CEOs of the world and with a personal valuation of $ 300 million, is a powerful woman, to say...
Lyft, a ride sharing service with a presence in over 65 cities of the United States, has been increasing in popularity since the time of its...
Sixty eight, rich and successful, Richard Branson has taught people the way to live life is either king size or not at all. An owner of...
A major chunk of the companies who are successful today have faced their fair share of breakdowns and failures, giving the world the impression they may...
The year was 1997 and Amazon was losing more money than selling the books it was so proud of having. However, with courage that would impressive...
LinkedIn, founded in the year 2002 and launched in 2003, has grown from being a place where you can just upload your resumes online to the...
Gary Vaynerchuk, or Gary Vee, became successful not by accident but through a well thought out plan. A wine connoisseur, a serial entrepreneur and a public...
Orkut had a strange birth story. Back in the day (not very long ago,) Google was trying to break into the social media world by trying...
Jack Dorsey, a serial entrepreneur known for founding not one, but two immensely successful startups (Twitter and Square,) has led quite an exemplary life. From living...