At the NDTV World Summit, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman of Bharti Enterprises, revealed a startling incident involving an AI-powered scam that nearly defrauded his company. The...
X, formerly known as Twitter, has rolled out a new feature called Radar, available exclusively to its Premium+ subscribers. Designed to enhance real-time engagement, Radar aims...
Deepinder Goyal, co-founder and CEO of Zomato, has entered the health tech space with a new venture called Continue, focusing on wellness tracking and mental health....
Satellite operator Eutelsat successfully launched 20 satellites for its communications network on Sunday, October 20, marking the company’s first deployment since its merger with Britain’s OneWeb...
Indian space startup GalaxEye is preparing to launch its groundbreaking multi-sensor Earth observation (EO) satellite, Drishti, in collaboration with Elon Musk’s SpaceX. The mission is set...
Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund Temasek has injected an additional $60 million into the edtech startup Upgrad, maintaining its valuation at $2.25 billion, according to sources familiar...
A federal judge in California has agreed to Google’s request to temporarily suspend his order requiring the company to overhaul its Android app store, the Play...
Qualcomm has announced the cancellation of its Snapdragon Dev Kit, a miniature Windows on Arm PC initially slated for release in June. In an email to...
Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence venture, xAI, is on the lookout for AI tutors, offering an impressive pay rate of up to Rs 5,000 per hour. While...
Meta, the parent company of Facebook, announced on Friday the release of several new AI models from its research division, including an innovative “Self-Taught Evaluator” designed...