Like it or not, there are two kinds of people in this world. The first is the kind that likes to organise all their tasks and...
From sensors which are enabled with artificial intelligence (AI) to enabling automatic car parking facilities and to turning ordinary homes into smart homes, AI has penetrated...
Arriving as an invitation only platform, Gmail has today become the largest email service provider. Despite being used by almost everyone around the world, there are...
Like everything else in life, leadership styles are learnt and honed through different stages of work. Every leader has developed, through the years, a certain style...
Born close to 200 years ago on the 10th of July, Nikola Tesla was and perhaps even still is, one of the greatest engineers of all...
In the very basic sense of the term, crisis management is defined as the process by which a company handles a stressful work situation. In order...
Company culture is important to foster the overall growth of one’s company. Since you spend over half your day at the place you work, it is...
Every job has an expiry date. Whether you want to do something on your own or you get a better job offer, there comes a time...
You grow up thinking you are meant to do certain things, but when you don’t land the job of your dreams, life can be disappointing. Sometimes,...
Often times, there are two types of people one meets. The first are the kind who are more than happy working in a nine to five...