Azim Premji, a business tycoon who is known for changing the face of Wipro, retired last week, leaving the reigns of his massive empire to son...
No matter how good your business idea is, you cannot succeed alone. You need people all along the way to help you with various aspects of...
When Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger launched Instagram in 2010, little did people think it would become one of the most used social media platforms in...
Starting a business is both exciting and scary. It often feels like there are 1,000 things to get done all at once. You might wake up...
Every year, technology becomes more simplified and makes your life easier. Getting more done in less time seems to be the order of the day and...
Remember the thrill you had at the beginning of your job? The satisfaction you receive after being appreciated for a job well done? The deeper you...
The key to a successful business is a wholesome process which not only involves keeping your customers happy, but your team happy as well. When you...
They say the road to hell is often paved with a lot of downs before you reach success. When you are working as an entrepreneur, the...
With more than 500 million users on a daily basis, Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms in recent times. While earlier,...
There is something truly satisfying when you set goals and finish them on time. While we know the importance of this process, not all of us...