Building a company from the ground up is a scary business. While some would think it all starts with the name, there is a lot more...
If you are not promoting your business on LinkedIn then you are definitely missing out on something big! LinkedIn could get you a massive potential audience...
When it comes to the corporate and startup world, India ranks as the third lowest on the list. Only 20% of the senior roles are held...
Whether you want to find friends, promote your products online, sell them to your customers, find your prospects, social media platforms have become an integral part...
At every work place, there are several dynamics. However, to narrow down the topic here, there are two types of people to pay attention. The first...
The very first thing a start up does before flourishing in the marketplace is, develop a market plan! The market plan comprises of many factors, however,...
In the upcoming years, millennials will become the largest employee demographic around the world. Millennials are big hustlers who embrace their work with passion and dedication....
This is the 21st century and technology is taking over almost every field at a very fast pace. Every now and then, we see a number of...
As a marketing manager, you perform numerous duties and have many responsibilities in a single day. Managing time effectively plays a crucial role in shaping your...
What makes a leader stand out? What makes some people say exactly what you want, but in a way which makes others listen? Influential leaders stand out...