Since the very beginning, seating arrangments were crucial. In fact, in medieval times, where you sat at the table defined your relative importance and nobility. Arguments over...
If you ever thought that working from 9.00 AM to 5.oo PM was a taxing job, then think again. You, as an employee, have your fair share...
“If you build it, they will come.” Uh-ha! This line may have worked fine for Kevin Costner in the Field of Dreams but doesn’t work for...
Your brand is only as strong as the energy you put into making it great. Branding requires synchronised efforts of several different organisations in order to...
Interpersonal relationships refer to a strong bond formed between co workers during office hours. While most people like to keep their private life and work life...
Interviews are some of the most nerve wracking situations that makes people sweaty, nervous and forget what they have known all along. It is perfectly normal...
For a company to function smoothly, it is important to have regular and consecutive meetings. Some employees may think that meetings are completely unnecessary, but if...
The goal of every company is to be successful and competant in every way. This means that the company itself has to be sufficient enough to...
Before entrepreneurs pushed passed the ordinary to become who they are Today, the world of business was very segregated into specific roles. Whatever the area, every...
When you receive a term sheet for a full term stock funding, it is important to understand every aspect of the term sheet. It can be...