Qualcomm has introduced its latest mobile chip, the Snapdragon 8 Elite, at the Snapdragon Summit, marking a significant leap in smartphone performance. Set to power flagship...
Indian space startup GalaxEye is preparing to launch its groundbreaking multi-sensor Earth observation (EO) satellite, Drishti, in collaboration with Elon Musk’s SpaceX. The mission is set...
Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund Temasek has injected an additional $60 million into the edtech startup Upgrad, maintaining its valuation at $2.25 billion, according to sources familiar...
A federal judge in California has agreed to Google’s request to temporarily suspend his order requiring the company to overhaul its Android app store, the Play...
Qualcomm has announced the cancellation of its Snapdragon Dev Kit, a miniature Windows on Arm PC initially slated for release in June. In an email to...
Google has officially released Android 15, now available for all Pixel phones and tablets. Users can download the update through the Settings app on their devices....
SpaceX has made history by successfully capturing the Super Heavy booster of its Starship rocket in mid-air, marking a breakthrough in reusable rocket technology. This achievement...
At a high-profile event in Los Angeles on Thursday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveiled two groundbreaking vehicles—the “Cybercab” and “Robovan”—as the company intensifies its push toward...
The passing of Ratan Tata has created a significant leadership vacuum at Tata Trusts, the philanthropic organizations integral to the $165-billion Tata Group. Particularly influential among...
Remarkable Comeback Against Ford India mourned the loss of one of its greatest industrial icons, Ratan Tata, who passed away on October 9 at Mumbai’s Breach...