To succeed, you need to have an in depth knowledge of what to do as well as what not to do. With startups, especially, the margin of error is very limited. Today, we talk about five things you should not do to make sure you’re a successful business!
1. Retargeting Every Visitor
No matter how great your product is, retargeting every customer to your product page is not an effective marketing strategy. More often than not, this irks customers as it destroys the exclusivity factor. Segment your bounced visitors into different groups by how many pages they’ve viewed, how much time they’ve spent, whether they’ve visited a particular product category etc. and retarget accordingly.
2. A Disastrous Social Media Strategy
Social media only works if you have a clear plan in mind with a long term plan clearly chalked out. If your plan doesn’t reach the right target audience, then there really isn’t any point in the campaign.
3. There Is Always Competition
Do not ever think you don’t have competitors. While there may not be an idea that is exactly the same as yours, there are plenty out there that are very similar to yours. Sometimes your competition isn’t a person or a company but rather a “thing. So keep a really close tab on the people around you and make sure you are always one step ahead of the game.
4. Assuming Your Customers Are Always Loyal
No customer is always loyal to the product. There is always something better and cheaper out there. To ensure a loyal customer base, create a connect with the regulars and don’t over burden the semi frequent visitors. Play the game the right way and the customers will always stay!
5. Thinking You Have To Do Everything On Your Own
Even if you are just one person who is in charge of everything, you need to keep in mind that you do not have to do everything on your own. Ask for help, ask for ideas. The more you ask, the more you learn and the more you grow!