Artificial Intelligence is slowly beginning to seep into people’s lives but with its enhanced ‘deep learning’ techniques, can we extensively use it to cater to our most basic of needs? To make it do something that we actually desire?
While last year was just an introduction of AI to raise awareness, this year we might all see an increase in automation of many products. The autonomous era is almost upon us. We might soon live in a world wherein the world’s greatest mind might no longer refer to a human being but a silicon-based agent.
Is Automation the ideal way forward?
A few years back, not many were that enthusiastic about AI enabled chatbots and other such computerized customer services. But times are changing as more number of people, not only the younger generation but, from all age groups are interested in AI drove products and their untapped potential.
Marketing of AI
Sharing of personal data with the AI is another major concern.
Effective levels of personalization are achieved in AI only when personal data is fed into it for it to cater to our needs and wants. But how safe and secure is our data? Although the thought of automation excites us, the fear of our data being stolen, the prospect of men and women who will eventually be replaced by machines, cyber threats, invasion of privacy and other such negative scenarios creates this aversion towards AI. Hence, marketers must strive to convince the uninitiated, the boons of AI far outweigh the banes, if we are to wholeheartedly accept automation as our new way of life.
AI should be welcomed, not shut out
With all the cloudiness surrounding the possibilities of AI, there is no denying that it will change the way we live in the future.
If you still need more convincing, here are three possible fields where AI application serves for the betterment of mankind:
- Transportation – self-driven cars are already being rolled out and gaining popularity.
- Speech Recognition – Modes of conversation will be enhanced
- Research – Turbocharging scientific and medical research
Using AI, various fields stand to gain more than losing. Customer needs will be satisfied to an almost maximum level. Isn’t that like the ultimate goal?