Social media platforms are intensifying efforts to combat the misuse of deepfake technology by advocating for mandatory AI labeling and clearer definitions of synthetic content. Deepfakes,...
Cosmetics are products that are used to enhance the appearance or to improve the texture and smell of a body. Makeup is one of the most...
It’s been established time and again having an active social media account is very important for the growth of a company. But, for various reasons, it...
Social Media is a readily available platform for entrepreneurs to build a strong consumer base, spread the word about their products and gain a level of...
Startups have found a friend on social media. It not only boosts their audience interaction, but it can also help spread the word. Major startups tend...
Trust Facebook for the new updates they roll out often. Facebook is now ready with a new feature that allows admins to set up three questions...
Artificial Intelligence is becoming more prevalent in our services, products, and our lives. The popular online news and social media service, Twitter is now using deep...
Well, when it comes to LinkedIn, it is better not to mess up with the profile photographs we upload. Because if LinkedIn doesn’t like our profile...
Website traffic, the number of visitors to a site, is the main thing for the functioning of any website. There are a handful of methods to...
Alexa is a company developed by Amazon in 1996, which ranks websites based on their traffic and performance. It also gives information such as traffic sources,...