Apple has recently launched its second wave of Apple Intelligence, the iOS 18.2 beta. This version serves as a replica of the stable version, allowing selected users to test and experience all the upcoming features. Among the anticipated updates, iOS 18.2 will introduce several new Apple Intelligence features, including ChatGPT integration in Siri and new AI-powered image editing tools. One of the most awaited tools is Image Playground, which was initially introduced at WWDC 2024 as a key feature that would generate images in three styles: animation, illustration, and sketch. However, it appears that Apple is taking a step back, as the new iOS 18.2 beta version does not include the sketch style.
Changes in Image Playground
In the latest iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, and macOS Sequoia 15.2 betas, the Image Playground app now includes only animation and illustration styles, raising questions about whether the sketch style might eventually be added back. Apple has recently edited the app’s description to remove any mention of Sketch, which was previously highlighted as a highly detailed and academic style that creates beautiful drawings on plain backgrounds.
Previous Features
Originally, Image Playground was designed to provide users with three distinct styles for image generation:
- Animation: Offers a whimsical, 3D cartoon look with expressive characters and cinematic environments.
- Illustration: Defined by strong outlines, simple shapes, and bold colors, providing uplifting and playful compositions.
- Sketch: Intended to produce highly detailed drawings on stark backgrounds.
The removal of the Sketch option has led to speculation about Apple’s future plans for this feature.
What is an Image Playground?
Image Playground is a brand-new app designed to help users create images from their ideas. Much like ChatGPT, users can generate images by entering a prompt with suggested categories like themes, locations, and costumes to spark inspiration. The app focuses on stylized content, so the images won’t be realistic and can be generated in animation or illustration styles.
Users can incorporate likenesses of friends and family by selecting images directly from their Photos app. While Image Playground works as a standalone app, it can also be integrated with apps like Notes and Messages and even added to third-party applications.
The application is geared toward both casual and professional users alike, providing a more dynamic approach to photo and image editing directly on their iPhones.
iOS 18.2 Launch and Features
The official launch of iOS 18.2 is confirmed for the first week of December. Apple will start rolling out the features to eligible devices, including iPhone 15 Pro models and iPhone 16 series. The iOS 18.2 update promises a range of exciting features designed to enhance both productivity and personalization for iPhone users.
Notable Additions
- Built-in ChatGPT: Offering on-demand AI assistance directly within iOS.
- Genmoji: Allows users to create custom AI-powered emojis, providing a fun way to express themselves with unique icons beyond standard emoji options.
The removal of the Sketch style from Image Playground in iOS 18.2 beta raises questions about Apple’s commitment to offering diverse creative tools within its ecosystem. While users will still have access to animation and illustration styles for image generation, the absence of sketch functionality may limit creative expression for some.
As Apple prepares for the official release of iOS 18.2 in December, it remains to be seen whether the sketch option will be reinstated or if additional styles will be introduced in future updates. The ongoing evolution of Image Playground reflects Apple’s broader strategy to integrate advanced AI capabilities into its products while enhancing user engagement through innovative features.