After the Trojan War, one lone warrior, Aeneas started on a journey and established one of the strongest empires in the world, The Roman Empire. The...
Networking is a key aspect of an entrepreneurs life. Even with the advent of networking websites, meeting people and attending conferences takes up a big chunk...
Startups can also fail. It is a fact that not everyone is prepared to think about the worst case scenario. Everyone becomes an entrepreneur with the...
Leslie Scott was 11 years old and living in Africa when her parents got some wooden blocks home for her to play. She used those building...
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life – JohnLennon A lot of people tend to...
Superheroes don’t just save the world, they inspire everyone else to step up to the plate. These women and men in tights, wearing capes and iron...
I’m not crazy. My mother did have me tested. Sheldon Cooper, (Big Bang Theory.) Emotional intelligence quotient is far more important than intelligence quotient. Let’s rewind...
Freelancing is the next up and coming profession in the world. Mostly because it gives you the power to work on your rules and at your...
If you own a business or work at a startup or are the founder of a startup, you will meet many people from all walks of...
The more that you read, the more you will know and the more you learn, the more places you will go. But as an entrepreneur trying...