No matter how strong your idea is, the ultimate fate of your startup lies in the strength of your final team. It takes only one weak member to topple all your hard work and in order to avoid that, it is extremely important to make sure you have crossed all your T’s and dotted all your I’s. Here are a few tips you could follow to get the perfect team for a startup which could change the world.
1. Identify The Positions
Before you start the hiring process, identify the positions you need for your startup. Be sure to prioritize. Figure out which position to fill first and balance out the hiring. It does not make sense to hire five project managers and not a single programmer. Be sure to have enough money or customers to pay for staffers before you start hiring them.
2. Envision The Bigger Picture
When you go out to hire people for your startup, let your vision drive you. Why were great thinkers like Steve Jobs or Verghese Kurien so successful? Because they had a dream and they let the world know their dream. The people they hired believed in their passion and because of that, their companies are still rock solid.
3. Adopt A Game Management Approach
Great cricket, football and basketball coaches always talk about watching films and studying the competition. As a new startup founder, you should do the same thing. Identify the competition. Understand where their strengths and weaknesses are. This helps get a clearer picture of where you are as a potential game changer. Just like our favourite coaches and quarterbacks, having a head start always helps increase your chances of winning!
4. Get A Consultant
Every movie has the main guy and the Right Hand Guy to help with the more serious work. A consultant is also just like that. They will tell you things you do not want to hear and they will get the job done for you whether you like it or not. Get one! Play the game safe and play it right.
5. Post Hire
Once the entire process has been finalised, it is important to do a background check on the people you are hiring. What if they look really good on paper but have serious flaws within? To avoid issues like hiring an employee with a police case or a fraud case on them, do a background case and avoid all the hassle.
Your company is as good as the people you hire. Hire the right kind of people and who knows, you could become the next Microsoft or Swiggy!