Forget everything you thought you knew about healthcare in India. A groundbreaking startup called Calmosis is making waves in Bengaluru with its unique approach to holistic...
Back in the late 90’s, Reed Hastings, the man who breathed life into Netflix, realised, the way to get over avoiding late fees for the videos...
As an entrepreneur, for any company to scale, staying motivated, no matter how many times you face failure, is a key trait. Only when the founder...
Airbnb, which started off as a way to find a means to pay rent by Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, is now one of the most...
Remember the early days when shopping for furniture was an arduous and painful task? Now, however, thanks to the founders of Pepperfry, the days of trudging...
The years 2015 to 2018 saw the startup ecosystem in India grow by leaps and bounds. Although 2018 wasn’t as hectic as 2015, it still shaped...
With the increasing presence of the internet, digital marketing emerged as the next big thing in the field of marketing and advertising. While there may have...
All that glitters is not gold and all that makes a startup sparkle is not money. Every time you start your company, you think money is...
Susan Wojcicki, ranking among the top ten CEOs of the world and with a personal valuation of $ 300 million, is a powerful woman, to say...
Lyft, a ride sharing service with a presence in over 65 cities of the United States, has been increasing in popularity since the time of its...