Oracle’s ride to success has been fast, quick and inspirational. From being a data programming company to a power player in the cloud computing industry, Oracle has come a long way! While the company works at constantly repositioning itself with new inventions, here are a few facts you did not know about this cloud computing, multi faceted startup!
1. The beginning
The company was started as a result of an CIA project codenamed Oracle. Larry Ellison liked the name Oracle so much, he stole it after the project was completed! Ironically, Oracle was also the name of ITVs latest service in the 1970s and the 1980s! Unfortunately, the first version of the Oracle failed miserably.
2. The second version was an instant success
With the first version of the software being such a disaster, there were quite a few expectations riding on Ellison and his team. Ellison simply renamed the first version as Oracle Version 2. Written in assembly language for the DEC PDP 11, a mini computer popular at the time with businesses and academia, it contained 128KB of memory.
3. Oracle’s first customer
Oracle’s first customer was Wright Patterson Air Base. According to Oracle, this sale was the first commercial version of relational database software sold on the market. However, it wasn’t until Oracle 7 in 1992 when the company finally managed to pull away from its rivals!
4. Oracle came back from a bust
The pressure to grow, or at least appear to grow, was too high for Oracle. With so many mini Ellisons running around the place, the company started to fall to pieces. In fact, at one point, the company even thought of firing Ellison. Oops! However, they pulled through and clearly, they are now a force to be reckoned with!
5. Ray Len was Ellison’s key to success!
Did you know that Larry Ellison would not have become a millionaire if it weren’t for Ray Len? In 1992, structure officially came to be when Len joined Oracle. He was responsible for single handedly creating the founding stone for Oracle 7!
With Oracle on the brink of becoming a truly enormous superpower, it is definitely worth looking into some unknown facts about Oracle. Comment and let us know if we missed out on any facts about Oracle!