Work ethic is often a term thrown everywhere by businesses and startups. When organisations are looking to hire a new recruit, they often mention ‘work ethic’ in the job description. While the term is used a lot, it is important to understand what it means and how you can build a strong work ethic at a workplace.
Work ethic is defined as a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character and individual abilities. A strong work ethic is an important trait to have in order to pursue a successful career or business.
Let us have a look at some small things which can be done to build a strong work ethic.
1. Teamwork and collaboration
An important part of having a strong work ethic is realising the importance of being able to work in a team. More often than not, an individual will be put in a team to accomplish a task. It is important to realize there is always a bigger picture at hand and that understanding will be able to foster teamwork and collaboration. Being a team player helps in getting the job done by being more efficient at managing strengths and delegating work.
2. Being punctual and professional
It is always important to be able to plan to reach appointments, work or interviews on time. Being punctual often conveys a lot about the ethics of an individual. Being professional displays the honesty and moral compass and can be achieved by doing simple things like being well dressed, being cordial with teammates and being empathetic and compassionate.
3. Organizational skills
Sometimes work can get overwhelming due to a number of issues like deadlines, extra work and lack of resources. Individuals with strong work ethics have mechanisms to cope up with these. Work or resources need to be organized and divided into blocks or sets and putting a routine in place. Doing this also helps in developing time management skills, giving an individual ample time to dedicate resources and energy elsewhere. Poor organizational qualities lead to sloppy work and mistakes.
4. Having a healthy mind and body
Being healthy is an important indicator of a strong work ethic. Being healthy does not just mean physical health, it encompasses mental health as well. A happy frame of mind will contribute to the positive well being of the team as well as reflect on the work. Taking a break to recharge your batteries freshens your mind and body as well as provides insights into work, which may otherwise have been overlooked.
5. Reliability and dedication
Being able to take ownership of work and display commitment towards getting a job done is another trait which displays a strong work ethic. A dedicated individual does not hesitate to ask for help if they hit a roadblock and also provides inputs and advice when needed by another team member. They put effort into ensuring deadlines are met comfortably by managing their time and resources as well. A reliable individual asks for more responsibility in order to display their dedication to the organisational goals.
Research studies show it takes more than sixty days for a behaviour to translate into a habit. By implementing these simple behavioural qualities, it is possible to build a strong work ethic. While the qualities may be simple on paper, it is the implementation which sets an individual apart from their peers.
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